Airbnb, Google, Square, Uber, Victoria Secret, Armani, Visa, Facebook, Instagram, Skyy Vodka, The Ad Council, TalentSky,The American Lung Association, The American Heart Association,
New Belgium, Wells Fargo, Thync, Envoy, & more.
Even/Odd, Strike Anywhere, Endemol Beyond, TOOL of North America, Brit & Co, MRM//McCann,
Narrative_, The BAM Connection, Union Creative, & more.
Produced for Square and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Vimeo Staff Pick.
Produced for Square and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Vimeo Staff Pick.
Produced for Square and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Vimeo Staff Pick.
Google Tilt Brush Artist in Residence. Produced for Google & Even/Odd. Directed by Ashley Rodholm.
Airbnb: Let's all #HostWithPride. Produced for Airbnb and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Launch video for Facebook's new Instant Articles feature.
Produced for Facebook and Strike Anywhere. Directed by Justin Barber.
Stroke awareness campaign PSA spots featuring NBA player Paul George produced for
The Ad Council, The BAM Connection and Strike Anywhere. Directors cut featured here. Directed by Michael Jacobs.
Produced for Tool of North America, Brit + Co and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Vimeo Staff Pick.
Produced for Armani and Endemol Beyond.
Produced for TalentSky and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Introducing the new Light camera. Produced for Light and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Visa Connected Card. Produced for Visa and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Thync: Shift Your State of Mind. Produced for Thync and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.
Web series produced for New Belgium Brewing Co. and Strike Anywhere. Directed by Ryan Simon.
"The Tip Wrapper" produced for Skyy and Even/Odd. Directed by Eddie Ringer.
Launch video produced for Envoy and Even/Odd. Directed by Mohammad Gorjestani.